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Baby Kylie Sonograms

Hey it's me!!...."Halo" ~~ thought you'd get rid of me?!? I don't think so!!

Now about me...I was born in Houston, Texas,on December 11, 1982and moved to Missouri shortly after that. I spent the first few years of my childhood with only my brother and his friend next door so naturally I became a tomboy! When we moved to the house I grew up in with my parents there were even more guys and I think one girl!! I think this is why I tend to get along with my guy friends more than the girls! :) In highschool I never fit in with any one group of people, I was the one that had friends that were preppy, grungy, geaky-you name it I could probably find a friend that fit the category. While a lot of my graduating class knew of me I never was popular- a good thing I think or else I wouldn't be who I am!! I graduated high school in May 2001. In Fall of 2002 I was accepted into the Physical Therapist Assistant program at Penn Valley and graduated in the spring of 2004.

In the Spring of 2004 I also had a huge day!!  My husband and I walked down the aisle April 3rd, 2004 to become husband and wife! I am so glad I have found the one guy I can love and be happy with for the rest of my life!  In early July we found out the exciting news that we are expecting our first child!!!

~*~*~*~*~*~*~ BABY NEWS!!!! as of Dec 8 04~*~*~*~*~*~*~

On November 16, 2004  Steven and myself went in for the sonogram on the baby!!!  WE have lots of pictures, in the process of tryin to scan/ and get the pics up on the internet will let you know the exact webpage when it happens!  we got to see the head, face, body shot, hands and feet, and baby decided to show all! lol!!  We are expecting a baby girl!!  Plans for the name is Kylie Jasmine Donahoo :)  She's gonna be "daddy's little princess" ... he's already wrapped around her finger lol!!!  Due date is still appoximately March 12, 2005!  I am currently 26 weeks along now (for those not wantin to do math it 6 1/2 months hehe ). Just thought I'd pass the info on to everyone!! :)  keep in touch, will update as new info arrives :)

The Story Behind My Site and it's creator!!!
My came about because my then friend "Joe" (my husband now!!) said I needed a site and I said ain't now way!...I'll get lost just trying to set it up. He went and signed me up and here I am getting lost trying to figure things out!

To my husband Steven~~MY "Babie Joe"~You are an awesome friend and Husband!!  I send my thanks to God everyday for bringing you to me when I needed someone the most, someone who was willing to listen and understand me. Although we've only known each other a short time(since April 02) I feel that I've know you for years! I have a blast everytime that I'm with you and I can never stop laughing or smiling because you always know what to say and when to say it when I need to smile the most. Your smile itself makes me light up and I can't help but smile back(they are contagious you know!!) You made me the happiest woman on earth Christmas Eve 03 when you got down on one knee and proposed to me to love and cherish me til the end of time. The greatest day of my life was the day I walked down the aisle to you to become your wife and live by your side for the rest of my life!! We are close already and as each day passes we get closer than we already are~ on a deeper and more emotional level. And one day soon we will be showing our love in another way with our child. I know we can show him/her the world!! Never Give Up! (on me that is-I know I can be a pain sometimes!! :)  I Love you with all my heart and soul!! Never Change Steven!! :)

Shout out!
I just wanted to say Hi to some of my friends! Di-Di you may be crazy sometimes but I know you'll always be there for me as I will for you-Love ya(as a sis! none of the sick stuff!!hehe)! Sam-Bam I miss talkin to you all the time but I know you'll always be there for me when I need you! To all those who've helped me along the way thanks for being there for me...I love ya bunches!!

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