"HALO's/ Babie MJ's" Page

All About Me

All the Pretty Pictures

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Baby Kylie Sonograms

Welcome! :)

Welcome to my lil' bit 'o space on the net!! I am Heather Donahoo (Heather Lindsey  pre-wedding!!) aka "Halo" to all my friends and "Babie MJ" to my Husband. I am a 21 year old high school and college Graduate. While I still don't know what life has in store for me, I think I've lived a pretty good life. I spent my high school years working with children at a nearby elementary-helping out and even being a Youth Friend where I was teamed up with one student that was struggling in the classes to help them one on one with homework and projects. I love kids (just found out me and my husband are expecting early '05!!!)  and animals too! I've always had pets around me and right now I have a cat(Blue)...he's siamese-mix,and a dog(Bear)....he's a boxer. 

Please Forgive me if my sight looks a little on the shabby side, I'm kinda new to this whole 'have your own webpage on the internet thing'!! My Husband Steven aka "Joe" got me set up with this and you'll get to see what he thought about me, when we first met--2 1/2 years ago and what he still thinks about me if you keep looking around! So for now enjoy what little I have to offer you until I get better ideas for this page.

Site Updates

August 18, 2004.  Updates major in the next few days as time is available...lots to update everyone on!!! from stuff that's happened in the last few months to the months up ahead!!!

December 8, 2004.  Few updates here and there...mostly updating baby stuff!! :)

December 9, 2004.  uploaded sonogram pictures of the baby on her way to our lives...check them out to see her!!

Message from "Joe"
I just wanted to tell you Heather that you are one of the most awesome people I have ever met and that I hope our relationship gets stronger and that we both will be their for eachother when we need one-another! I am so happy now that I have met you, you are on my mind all the time and I just can't wait to see you one more time! I hope we become great friends and maybe one day have an even closer relationship than that! I know I could well spend the rest of my life with you ....but I won't go their now! lol! I am just trying to say is that I am thankful to God for sending you in my life and I don't care how you are in it just so as long as you are! I hope you like your website that I got for you! Do with whatever you want with it! I love ya! Have fun decorating! lol! Bye bye! Love ya! Peace!


If in the future if I actually do add new information and pictures and I leave one of my dear friends out....YELL AT ME! I'll change it, I Promise!!!

pretty sunset!
e-mail me

Visit mine and Steven's new page... joeandmj.freeservers.com